

Intuitive Eating is a non-diet approach to eating. It was created with a therapeutic framework by two Registered Dietitians in the 1990s to foster bodily trust and awareness in order to repair your relationship with food and your body. It’s based on 10 principles:


  1. Reject the Diet Mentality

Restrict exposure to magazines, social media accounts, etc. that offer false hope of losing weight quickly, easily, and permanently.


2. Honor your Hunger

Keep yourself fed to prevent excessive hunger, which can lead to overeating. This is the foundation for rebuilding trust in yourself around food.


3. Make peace with Food

Give yourself unconditional permission to eat and remove “food rules” or “forbidden foods.”


4. Challenge the Food Police

Shut down the voice in your head that rewards or punishes you based on what you eat.


5. Discover the Satisfaction Factor

Eat what you really want, in the right amount, in an environment you enjoy to leave you feeling satisfied and content.


6. Feel Your Fullness

Trust that you will feed your body the foods you really want to eat to build the foundation for honoring your fullness. Observe signs of fullness by pausing during eating, assessing how the food tastes and how you feel.


7. Cope with Your Emotions with Kindness

Food doesn’t fix feelings. It can be a short-term remedy or distraction, but it never solves the problem. Learn how to cope with the source of your emotions.


8. Respect Your Body

Respect your body at any size. Accept your unique genetics.


9. Movement–Feel the Difference

Exercise while focusing not on the calorie expenditure, but rather on how your body feels.


10. Honor Your Health–Gentle Nutrition

Eat foods that make you feel good, that taste good, and that support your health. You don’t have to eat “perfectly” to be healthy.


The act of practicing Intuitive Eating may look different for everyone. Unlike other diets that utilize food rules to achieve an outcome, the principles of Intuitive Eating are guidelines, not rules.



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