

Intuitive Eating doesn’t come without challenges. Consider the challenge of embracing Intuitive Eating at breakfast. If you’ve habitually skipped breakfast for years–maybe due to rushing in the morning or maybe as an attempt to restrict calories for weight loss–you may no longer have any hunger cues in the morning to honor. If you’re trying to take an Intuitive Eating approach, do you continue to skip breakfast because there’s no hunger cue? Or, do you eat breakfast to honor your health and nourish yourself? Prioritizing nourishment over cues might be more beneficial, all while selecting foods aligned with your body’s wants and needs.


Intuitive eating may also be difficult in situations of:

  • Food insecurity
  • Eating disorders
  • Past Trauma
  • Health conditions that don’t allow you to connect to internal cues
  • Pregnancy, particularly with morning sickness
  • Ethical or religious dietary restrictions



Ultimately, it may take time for Intuitive Eating to feel natural and comfortable. This approach to eating directly contradicts the diet culture that is ingrained into our society. And regardless, Intuitive Eating may not be for everyone.

However, if you’re searching for a way to make peace with your body, food, and exercise, then Intuitive Eating might be the non-diet you’ve been seeking.

To dive deeper into Intuitive Eating, check out https://www.intuitiveeating.org/ or read the book authored by the Registered Dietitians that created Intuitive Eating: Intuitive Eating: A Revolutionary Anti-Diet Approach.



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